This is NOT free software!!!! THE SERVANT is SHAREWARE. If you intend to use it on a regular basis, either as a RAM resident program or programmed into an EPROM, you are required to pay a reasonable user licence fee (see below). Using the shareware route, it is possible to offer you a program which would otherwise not be available. The feasibility of a venture like this depends on the honesty of the users.
You will be entitled to technical support through correspondence. You will also encourage further development of THE SERVANT; talented C128 programmers are definitely on the endangered species list. Want more 64/128 software? The limited support from 64/128 users is the main cause of the continuing exodus of talented programmers to the ST, Amiga, MAC and MSDOS platforms. Send shareware contributions! Your name and address will not be sold or otherwise disclosed.
Anyone is allowed, and invited, to copy and spread the four .sfx files which contains THE SERVANT on a non-profit basis. That is, you are NOT allowed to charge money for THE SERVANT except to cover the price of the media. However, a small profit is allowed for public domain/shareware libraries and BBS systems. From version 4.82 and onwards, only the four .sfx files released by the author may be copied and distributed, and all four of them MUST always be included. The distribution of any of the material contained therein in any other way is not permitted. Re-compressing of the material is not allowed except for strictly personal use.
THE SERVANT can be examined and/or modified at will. However, modified versions is NOT allowed to be distributed to others. Any reference to the author's name, address or licence terms is NOT allowed to be removed from THE SERVANT's code or documentation.
Anyone is allowed to produce SERVANT EPROMs on a non-profit basis for personal use, friends or computer club members. Please note however, that each and everyone who mount a SERVANT EPROM into his or her computer is REQUIRED to pay a user licence fee. If you have no means of making EPROMS, the author will do it for you for a small fee.
Currency: Norwegian US British:
User licence: NOK 65.00 USD 10.00 GBP 5.20
EPROM programming EA*: NOK 32.00 USD 5.00 GBP 2.60
Shipping:** NOK 26.00 USD 4.00 GBP 2.10
* The EPROM programming fee DOES NOT include the EPROM itself. The EPROM must be supplied by yourself along with your payment.
** The shipping charge applies world wide. Covers a maximum of 5 EPROMS.
Please send cash (money bills). The bank now charge about $8 (US) for cashing in each and every foreign currency check. That money is not much use for the author, nor the user. Payment of the above amounts in any of the indicated currencies will be acceptable regardless of exchange rate fluctuations. No credit cards accepted, sorry. You will NOT be ripped off!
If you upgrade from one version to another, no additional licence payment is required, provided that you previously have paid your licence fee.
The author's name and address:
Alf H. Jonassen
Fjellvegen 16A
N-4300 Sandnes
None of the above licence terms can be set aside except by the written consent of the author. All rights reserved.
Neither the author or any other person, firm or other party can be made liable to any damage or loss whatsoever, either expressed, implied or indirect, from the installation, use or other relations with THE SERVANT or its documentation. Any handling, use or otherwise is entirely at your own risk. No warranty is provided regarding THE SERVANTs function or fitness for any particular purpose.